Monthly Activities
- Analysis of business genre and determining objective of ad campaign.
- Campaign set-up
- Campaign Optimization
- Monitoring
- Reports
- Support
Analyzing business genre:
We analyze your website for a better understanding of your requirements to run the ad campaign. This gives us a clear view of your business and will help us to decide the objective of the ad campaign.
Determining objective of ad campaign:
Based on your business genre such as e-commerce, travel, fashion, business/professional services or other, we’ll decide which type of ads will serve the best for you. The objectives of Facebook ad campaign are as follows:
List of Objectives:
- Clicks to Website: Send people to important sections of your website.
- Website Conversions: Optimize your ad to get people to take specific actions on your website, such as signing up for a newsletter or buying a product.
- Page Post Engagement: Reach more people when you boost posts. Engagement can include likes on your post, comments, shares and photo views.
- Page Likes: Connect with all the people who matter to your business.
- App Installs: Get people to know about your business to install your mobile and desktop app.
- App Engagement: Get more activity on your mobile and desktop app.
- Offer Claims: Promote timely discounts or other deals for people to claim in your store.
- Local Awareness: Create ads that reach people near your business
- Event Responses: Promote your Facebook Event to get more responses.
- Video Views: Tell a story using a video in your ad for engagement.
Campaign Set-Up:
As we now know the business genre and nature of promotion, we’ll set-up the ad campaign by the information received through analysis and discussion with the client. Ad campaign set-up will include the following activities:
- Ad content creation
- Related banner creation
Campaign Optimization:
We’ll optimize the ad campaign to make the most of Facebook ads. Based on the nature of ad campaign, we’ll choose mode of optimization i.e. clicks, impressions, conversions etc.
- Targeting: We will take care of who watches the ad on their time-line through specific targeting methods like area, age, gender, interest and more.
- Ad placement: After we set up campaign and are ready to go live, we will advise you where all the ads will be displayed i.e. News feeds, right column or mobile feed.
- Testing: We A/B test all the ad campaign set up by us so that you make the most of the ad campaign at minimal and optimized cost (CPC/CPM).
Example of Ad Copy:
We keep an eye on how the ad campaign is performing throughout its life-time. Preferably, we’ll A/B test your ad campaign and stress on the ad that is performing better.
We’ll track all the ads created by us and provide you a thorough report of all the impressions, clicks, conversions etc. Occurring throughout the months of the live ad campaign.
We’ll be in touch all the times you need our help in understanding the on-going campaign or need some changes to it. We’ll keep up with you through phone calls, e-mail and Skype chat whichever is best for you.